Automobile stop sign near UP tracks in Jefferson City, MO  Contributor's Pick!       
This is another view of a stop sign located on a dirt road close to the UP tracks at Jefferson City, MO. The road goes under a bridge, more or less behind me at this location. The truck in the background gives an idea of how far away the sign in from the paved road crossing the tracks. The various shades of mud on the sign reflect how the floodwaters gradually receded during a very warm summer last year here in mid-Missouri. Modelers could put one of these signs near one of their roads, especially if their modeled vehicular roads are near a stream or river!
Date: 8/15/2019 Location: Jefferson City, MO   Map Show Jefferson City on a rail map Views: 65 Collection Of:   Rev. Jonathan Spurlock
Author:  Jonathan Spurlock
Automobile stop sign near UP tracks in Jefferson City, MO
Picture Categories: Scenic This picture is part of album:  Freight car photos, July-Aug 2019
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